1 1 Policy Options
2 2 Application Form
3 3 Additional Insureds
4 4 Payment, Review & Submit
Sorry, we don't have availability to purchase it online, but we are working on it! In the meantime, please submit quote for underwriting and we’ll reach out with any remaining questions!
This field is required

This policy will go into force on the start date and stay in force for {[{ policyLength }]} days.

Payments for this policy will stay in effect until cancelled.

Your application will be submitted for underwriting.

Due to the natural disaster in your area, some options are disabled from this group. You may purchase this option when the suspension has lifted.

Physical Address

This field is required
Name can be between 2 and 70 characters long and can contain letters, hyphens, commas, dots, apostrophes and spaces
You must own the business to purchase the insurance policy. We identify that this business name is disallowed from purchase.
This field is required
Name can be between 2 and 70 characters long and can contain letters, hyphens, commas, dots, apostrophes and spaces
You must own the business to purchase the insurance policy. We identify that this business name is disallowed from purchase.
This field is required
You must own the business to purchase the insurance policy. We identify that this business name is disallowed from purchase.
This field is required
You must own the business to purchase the insurance policy. We identify that this business name is disallowed from purchase.
This field is required
You must own the business to purchase the insurance policy. We identify that this business name is disallowed from purchase.
This field is required
Please click here to be directed to an application that is specifically for those whose business is in .

This state is not available for this program.

Due to the current natural disaster in your area, we are unable to provide all Inland Marine options associated with this program at this time. All Inland Marine options will be available soon.

Note: If you are trying to add a policy from your customer dashboard and your current policy is expired, please change your State selection above, and then change it back to your correct state. This will allow you to continue to step two. We apologize for any inconvenience this has caused. (i.e., North Carolina > Texas > North Carolina)

This field is required
Invalid physical ZIP code
You must own the business to purchase the insurance policy. We identify that this business name is disallowed from purchase.

Mailing address

This field is required
You must own the business to purchase the insurance policy. We identify that this business name is disallowed from purchase.
This field is required
You must own the business to purchase the insurance policy. We identify that this business name is disallowed from purchase.
This field is required
You must own the business to purchase the insurance policy. We identify that this business name is disallowed from purchase.
This field is required
Please click here to be directed to an application that is specifically for those whose business is in .

This state is not available for this program.

Due to the current natural disaster in your area, we are unable to provide all Inland Marine options associated with this program at this time. All Inland Marine options will be available soon.

Note: If you are trying to add a policy from your customer dashboard and your current policy is expired, please change your State selection above, and then change it back to your correct state. This will allow you to continue to step two. We apologize for any inconvenience this has caused. (i.e., North Carolina > Texas > North Carolina)

This field is required
Invalid ZIP code
You must own the business to purchase the insurance policy. We identify that this business name is disallowed from purchase.

Business information

This field is required
This field is required
Business name - Only letters (A-Z), numbers (0-9), & (ampersand), - (hyphen) and ' (apostrophe) are allowed.
You must own the business to purchase the insurance policy. We identify that this business name is disallowed from purchase.
Please provide your full name under mailing address.
A business you own and operate, not a business that employs you.
This field is required
You must own the business to purchase the insurance policy. We identify that this business name is disallowed from purchase.
This field is required
Invalid phone
You must own the business to purchase the insurance policy. We identify that this business name is disallowed from purchase.
This field is required
You must own the business to purchase the insurance policy. We identify that this business name is disallowed from purchase.
This field is required
This field is required
This field is required
This field is required
This field is required
This field is required
This field is required
This field is required
Select an option
This field is required
  • I have not had any liability claims resulting in losses in excess of $5,000 within the last 5 years.
  • I am not aware of any incident(s) that may result in a claim.
  • I have never been involved in any legal disputes relating to the operations of my company.
  • I have never been subject to local, state, or federal investigation relating to the type of business I am applying for.
  • I am not the person organizing, planning, hosting, or Directing the event/show.
This field is required
This field is required

When you add a person, event, or organization to your policy as an additional insured, they receive protection if they are named in a suit due to a covered business-related loss/claim because of your actions or operations.

† Additional insured status cannot be granted to a friend or co-worker as an extension of your policy. Each individual must purchase their own policy to obtain liability coverage.

† A written contract, such as a venue, studio rental, or employment contract is required to add another party as additional insured.

Cannabis Event - AI #{[{ $index + 1}]}(+$0.00)

Included with policy: Additional Insured, Waiver of Subrogation, Primary and Noncontributory.

{[{ searchItem.title }]}
{[{ searchItem.state_code }]} | {[{ searchItem.start_date|date:"MMM dd, yyyy" }]} - {[{ searchItem.hasOwnProperty('end_date') ? (searchItem.end_date|date:"MMM dd, yyyy") : "no end date" }]}
This field is required
This field is required
This field is required
Please enter valid email address
Email should not be the same as the policy's holder email
Minimum length required
Please only use the additional insured email and do NOT use the policy’s holder email
The endorsements listed below have been added to the policy requirements by the Additional Insured/Sponsoring Organization.
This field is required
Minimum length required
This field is required
Minimum length required
This field is required
Minimum length required
This field is required
This field is required
Invalid ZIP code
Minimum length required

Payment information

Initial payment:

Switch to annual

Credit card information

This field is required
Invalid credit card number
You must own the business to purchase the insurance policy. We identify that this business name is disallowed from purchase.
Please enter your credit card and bank information. Your credit card will be used for the down payment and your bank information will be used for the Capital Premium finance agreement monthly draft. If you have questions about alternative payment methods for the capital monthly draft please contact Capital Premium.
This field is required
This field is required
This field is required
Invalid cvv
You must own the business to purchase the insurance policy. We identify that this business name is disallowed from purchase.
This field is required
Invalid ZIP code
You must own the business to purchase the insurance policy. We identify that this business name is disallowed from purchase.

This feature will create a customer payment profile for your billing information to allow easy checkout during future policy coverage extensions or updates. Credit card information is not stored within our system. All billing information is processed through authorize.net


With this beneficial feature your insurance coverage will be continuous without you worrying about having a lapse in your insurance policy.

You will receive a Conditional Renewal Notice prior to the renewal date of your policy. If you wish to cancel your policy, you must notify us in writing prior to the policy renewal date. You can cancel EZ-Renew at any time from your dashboard. Your policy will be renewed with the same coverage's, additional insureds and endorsements as your current policy. If you wish to change any coverages, you can login to your on-line account and make changes to your policy at any time.

Please note that we do NOT store credit/debit card numbers, nor do we share customer details with any third parties. Recurring billing is managed via Authorize.net.

Order summary

Policy Holder Edit

, ,
Mobile number:

Mailing Address is the Same as the Physical Address
Mailing Address:
, ,

Payment Information Edit

Payment Method:

Cannabis Event

Payment Breakdown

Policy start date: - Policy end date: Edit

If changes are needed, please reach out to your agent.

Policy Holder Business Information

Business Type
Mobile number
Business Activities
Business Activities Description
Product Description
Event types you will participate (check all that apply)
By checking here, I confirm that the information listed below is accurate:
  • I have not had any liability claims resulting in losses in excess of $5,000 within the last 5 years.
  • I am not aware of any incident(s) that may result in a claim.
  • I have never been involved in any legal disputes relating to the operations of my company.
  • I have never been subject to local, state, or federal investigation relating to the type of business I am applying for.
  • I am not the person organizing, planning, hosting, or Directing the event/show.
Please Describe
By checking this box I accept the Exclusions, Terms & Conditions and certify that I am at least 18 years of age.

Additional Insureds

Unlimited Additional Insureds
Additional Insureds
{[{ ai.name }]}
  • {[{ getEndorsementName(endorsementId) }]}


{[{ employee.firstName }]} {[{ employee.lastName }]}

Independent Contractors

{[{ contractor.firstName }]} {[{ contractor.lastName }]}

Your policy will be issued and your documents available immediately after clicking the "Purchase Policy" button below. Your policy application may be subject to review by our underwriting team to verify that the business operation, product, and/or service meet the eligibility guidelines established for the program. In the event we need further clarification to determine eligibility, we will contact you via email at the email address used to establish your account. If an account is found to be ineligible during the underwriting period, the policy will be subject to immediate cancellation and a full refund will be issued. After the underwriting period, the premium is 100% earned and no refunds will be given.

Your agent will be contacting you soon. There is a pending document to be submitted.
{[{ couponResult.text }]}
Discount applies to Additional Insureds only!
Coupon is applying. Please wait....

Your form contains error(s). Please correct and try again.

An account with this email address already exists. Please login or change email address.
Based on your previous answers, it appears your business situation is unique and deserves a more personal touch. Please complete the application and one of our licensed sales agents will contact you within 48 hours to complete your quote.
Please click here to be directed to an application that is specifically for those whose business is in .

This state is not available for this program.

Sign Here